CSEAS Center Field Research Grant - University of Wisconsin, Madison

Award Details: CSEAS will also offer a limited number of field research grants for pre-dissertation, dissertation, and thesis research on Southeast Asia. These awards are supported from the Center’s endowment funds and are intended to provide limited support for field research and the acquisition of research-related materials. Grants will be awarded up to $7,000, depending on the nature of the research and the duration of the trip (from 1 to 4 months). These awards are not intended to cover the full cost of dissertation research but are aimed at providing funds: 1) to conduct pre-dissertation research aimed at enhancing major research proposals (Fulbright, SSRC, NSEP, etc) for dissertation projects; and 2) to facilitate or supplement field research for dissertation projects themselves. These awards are also not intended for travel to conferences or for short-term visits (less than 1 month). Applicants can use these awards to conduct research in Southeast Asia or at archives with holdings of relevant Southeast Asian materials. Field research awards cannot be held concurrently with Center or FLAS fellowships or with major external grants. They can be utilized before and after such grants, particularly when they pertain to aspects of the research project that are not covered by other support.

Who is Eligible: Applicants must be graduate students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with at least one year of graduate work completed. Pre-dissertators must have a letter from their departmental advisor clarifying that the field research is directly related to the intended dissertation (or thesis) topic and that it is aimed at strengthening the dissertation proposal and future applications for major dissertation research grants. Those applying for dissertation research must be dissertators by the time the field research begins.

The deadline is February 14, 2024. To apply, click here

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace. Mediaspace.co


ISEAS Perspective - The Challenge of “Halal Lifestyle” and Occupational Preferences in Indonesia


CSEAS Fellowship - University of Madison, Wisconsin