Call for Abstracts - Eighth International Conference on Lao Studies

Sep 11, 2025 - Sep 14, 2025

Centre of Asian and Transcultural Studies, Heidelberg University
Heidelberg, Germany

Registration is now open!

Click here to register.

General Description

The Institute of Anthropology at the Centre of Asian and Transcultural Studies, Heidelberg University, and the Center for Lao Studies (CLS) are pleased to announce that the Eighth International Conference on Lao Studies (ICLS 8) will be held on September 11-14, 2025 in Heidelberg, Germany. The main objective of the conference is to promote Lao studies, broadly defined, by providing an international forum for scholars to present and discuss various aspects of Lao Studies.


The Time and Space of Laos: Neighbors and transformations

It is not only in the idiom of “from landlocked to landlinked", that Laos has been recognized as a country intensely linked with its neighbors. It is also a fact that it is situated between countries of highly different political organizations and economic status. As such, Laos has managed to find unique ways of dealing with both external influences and internal transformations. This also implies multiples diachronic dimensions – Life in contemporary Laos is shaped by the distinct times of change, of tradition and of national and geopolitical developments. It also concerns space: besides Laos’s borders with its regional neighbors, there are also wide-ranging international links, including those across Asia, into the Pacific, Europe or the Americas. Talking about space in Laos also implies contrasts between highland and lowland, city and countryside or river and forest. This addresses new modes of transportation and communication that compress time and space, such as railroads, cellphones and the internet, but also the cycles of agricultural life and its transformation through climate change and cash cropping.
The Eighth International Conference on Lao Studies invites workshops and presentations that address these issues in a widely conceived way. It also intends to accommodate all academic scholarship in the social sciences and humanities related to Laos, to people identifying as Lao or to the country more generally, including people from all ethnic groups found in Laos, and diaspora communities all over the world.

CALL FOR ABSTRACT | Deadline April 15, 2025


The conference will bring together Lao Studies scholars and researchers from all disciplines in the social sciences and humanities, and all intellectual and political perspectives, to share paper presentations, panel presentations, exhibits, performances, and cultural activities.

The following are included within the target groups of the conference:

1) All self-identified ethnic groups of Laos (e.g. Lao, Khmu, Hmong, Ieu-Mien, Akha, Phouan, Phou Tai, Nyouan, etc.);
2) Lao/Thai Isan and other ethnic Lao groups in Thailand (e.g. Lao Song, Phouan, Phou Tai, etc.)
3) Ethnic Lao living in Cambodia
4) Cross-border ethnic groups living in Vietnam, China, Burma, Thailand and Cambodia (e.g. Akha, Hmong, Phouan, Ieu-Mien, Khmu, Tai Lue, Tai Dam, Lahu, Brao, etc.)
5) Overseas diaspora originally from Laos or descendants of people from Laos (including French Lao, German Lao, Lao Americans, Hmong Americans, Khmu Americans, Australian Lao, Canadian Lao, etc.)

The following are some, but certainly not all, possible topics of interest to the conference organizers:

• Architectural Transformations
• Art and Music
• Border Trade and Interactions
• Buddhism and Other Religions
• Community
• Cultures of Ethnic Groups in Laos
• Education
• Ethnic Groups and Economic and Social Change
• Ethnomusicology
• Extractive Industries
• Families and Children
• Gender Relations
• Health and Illness
• History
• Identity Politics
• Infrastructures and their Effects
• Internet-Based Communications and Networking
• Language, Linguistics and Literature
• Lao American Issues
• Lao Heritage
• Lao People in the Regional/Global Economy
• Lao Relations with People from Other Ethnic Groups
• Large-Scale Economic Land Concessions
• Livelihood Changes
• Nature Conservation (including Wildlife and Protected Area Management)
• Nature-Society Interactions
• Politics
• Research Methodologies in Lao Studies
• Rural Development
• Transnational Networks and Relations
• Urbanization and Development


1) Please submit abstracts for individual papers or organized panels in English until April 15th, 2025, via the registration page on the conference registration website: Eighth International Conference on Lao Studies.

2) The conference abstract committee will review abstracts and send an acceptance letter with scheduling information and other instructions for submitting final abstract statements and full versions of papers by early May.

3) Abstracts of panels and individual papers will be collected for distribution on-line.

General Contact information:
Prof. Dr. Guido Sprenger
Institut für Ethnologie, Universität Heidelberg
Centre of Asian and Transcultural Studies
Voßstr. 2, Building 4110
69115 Heidelberg


Organized panels, composed of 3-4 scholars presenting formal papers and 1 or 2 discussants that can be scheduled into one-and-a-half-hour time slots are also invited. Panel organizers are requested to supply the following information:

• Title of the panel
• Conference theme(s) related to the panel
• Name, institution, address and email of the panel organizer
• Name, institution, address and email of each paper presenter
• Names, institutions, addresses and emails of the panel discussants
• Abstract (250 words or less) describing the panel as a whole
• Title of each paper and abstract (250 words or less) for each paper


Individual papers will be grouped into coherent panels. The papers must include the following: • Title of the paper
• Name, institution, address and email address of paper presenter
• Abstracts (250 words or less) with identified keywords.
• Related conference topic(s)

Organizing Committee

  • Institute of Anthropology, Centre of Asian and Transcultural Studies, Heidelberg University, Germany (Center for Lao Studies, South San Francisco, USA)

Organized by

Institute of Anthropology, Centre of Asian and Transcultural Studies, Heidelberg University


Duterte at The Hague


Postdoctoral Fellowship in Asian or Asian Diaspora Studies - York University