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Public Subsidy/Private Capital: Political Economic Contradictions in Singapore's Public Housing System

Organizer: The Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre at the London School of Economics and Political Science


The Housing and Development Board (HDB) of Singapore is effectively the monopoly provider of housing for all but the wealthiest 10-15 percent of Singaporeans who can afford housing in the private sector. Colloquially, the HDB flat is commonly referred as ‘government housing’; the HDB’s achievement is thus equated with the success of the long-governing People’s Action Party government. This also means that issues in public housing provision often translate or transform into political issues for the government. This presentation will focus on a set of issues that have emerged from the sale and ownership of 99-year lease on public housing unit, which permits capital gains or profit to be made by public housing residents, through the buy-and-sell cycle of the lease.

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