Filtering by: “Conference”

The Second Trump Administration: Opportunities and Challenges for United States-Southeast Asian Relations

The Second Trump Administration: Opportunities and Challenges for United States-Southeast Asian Relations

  • Columbia Journalism School - The World Room (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join NYSEAN, Weatherhead East Asian Institute, and the Columbia-Harvard China and the World program for a conference featuring Walden Bello, Pongphisoot Busbarat, Thomas Christensen, Sophal Ear, Joseph Chinyong Liow, Derek Mitchell, Ann Marie Murphy, Hong Hai Nguyen, Lien-Hang Nguyen, Elina Noor, Praslhant Parameswaran, Gregory Poling, Yohanes Sulaiman, and Ayumi Teraoka. These leading experts will examine the implications of a second Trump administration for US-Southeast Asian relations at this critical junction in global politics.

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Walking the Tightrope: Balancing Language, Politics and Culture in Chinese Diasporic Identities in Southeast Asia

Walking the Tightrope: Balancing Language, Politics and Culture in Chinese Diasporic Identities in Southeast Asia

  • Linder Family Commons, Elliott School of International Affairs (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join the Sigur Center for Asian Studies at the George Washington University for a conference on the Chinese Diaspora in Southeast Asia. This event brings together papers from scholars of maritime Southeast Asia who document and analyze the diverse but often precarious practices of everyday management of linguistic and cultural identities of diasporic Chinese in the Southeast Asian region.

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Elections and Political Change in Southeast Asia Conference

Elections and Political Change in Southeast Asia Conference

Join NYSEAN for a discussion of recent elections and political change in Southeast Asia with Sheila Coronel, Amy Freedman, John Gershman, Allen Hicken, Sidney Jones, J.M. Lanuza, Kanokrat Lertchoosakul, Ann Marie Murphy, Nava Nuraniyah, Jonathan Corpus Ong, Margaret Scott, and Meredith Weiss.

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55 Years On: Is ASEAN Still Relevant in the Changing Global Order?
to Nov 1

55 Years On: Is ASEAN Still Relevant in the Changing Global Order?

Join the ASEAN Studies Centre at ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute for the 37th annual ASEAN Roundtable. Topics consist of the implications of key events in the region, including the Russia – Ukraine war and the growing global bipolarity, the intensification of China-US rivalry in the Indo-Pacific, and the vision of ASEAN post-2025.

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15th International Indonesia Forum Conference
to Sep 25

15th International Indonesia Forum Conference

Hosted by the Council on Southeast Asia Studies at Yale University, the 15th Annual International Indonesia Forum Conference invites scholars from all over the world to examine the multilayered dimensions of Indonesian society in their fields of research and analysis. All sessions are available for virtual attendance through zoom.

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AIFIS-MSU Conference on Indonesian Studies: Emerging Discourses and Collaborations in a New Age
to Jun 25

AIFIS-MSU Conference on Indonesian Studies: Emerging Discourses and Collaborations in a New Age

Organized by the American Institute for Indonesian Studies and the Michigan State University Asian Studies Center, the Conference on Indonesian Studies: Emerging Discourses and Collaborations in a New Age will feature the research of history, culture, anthropology, sociology, language, and art scholars to better contextualize the interdisciplinary factors that shape contemporary Indonesia.

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NYSEAN PUC 2021 Conference
to Apr 29

NYSEAN PUC 2021 Conference

The NYSEAN Public Universities Consortium (PUC) aims to foster and facilitate interdisciplinary Southeast Asian studies throughout the SUNY and CUNY systems. Interested in the incredibly diverse region of Southeast Asia? Join the consortium’s inaugural conference!

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Scholar-Activism and the Myanmar Resistance

Scholar-Activism and the Myanmar Resistance

During this program, scholar-activists will situate, analyze and strategize for resistance to Myanmar’s military coup. Organized by the Center for Southeast Asia Studies (CEAS) at UC Berkeley, the symposium incudes two public panels, a virtual exhibit and two action workshops to serve as a gathering ground for diverse supporters of Myanmar democracy, inclusive of and informed by Myanmar’s people’s struggles.

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VIRTUAL CONFERENCE: Stemming the Tides: Indonesia in the Age of Climate Catastrophe (2020 Yale Indonesia Forum)
to Nov 14

VIRTUAL CONFERENCE: Stemming the Tides: Indonesia in the Age of Climate Catastrophe (2020 Yale Indonesia Forum)

The Yale Indonesia Forum (YIF) is an interdisciplinary group that serves members of the Yale community with a common interest in Indonesia and Indonesian affairs. The theme for the 2020 YIF Conference is "Stemming the Tides: Indonesia in the Age of Climate Catastrophe." The program will consist of one keynote presentation and one panel of paper presentations on November 13, 2020 from 8:00-10:30 PM ET, followed by a second keynote presentation and one panel of paper presentations on November 14, 2020 at 8:00-10:30 AM ET.

(Image: Nina R/Flickr)

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15th Singapore Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian Studies
to Jul 23

15th Singapore Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian Studies

The 15th Graduate Forum is one of the flagship events of the Asia Research Institute (ARI). This event provides a platform for graduate students from around the world working on Southeast Asia to communicate and interact, as they mature into the next generation of academic leaders. While several portions of the forum are for invited participants only, there will be three keynote addresses that are all open to the public:

  • July 22, 2020: Using Social Science as a Force for Good: Scholarship on, for, and as Activism (Meredith L. Weiss, Professor, State University of New York at Albany)

  • July 23, 2020: Making the Globe: A Cultural History of Science from the Bay of Bengal (Sujit Sivasundaram, Professor, University of Cambridge)

  • July 24, 2020: World History and the “Seduction of Quantification” – A View from Southeast Asia (Faizah Zakaria, Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University)

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Armed Forces, State, and Society in Southeast Asia: Identity, Authority, Legitimacy, Legacy

Armed Forces, State, and Society in Southeast Asia: Identity, Authority, Legitimacy, Legacy

In Southeast Asia today, there exists a range of arrangements along a spectrum. Some countries (such as Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines) operate, at least nominally, under a regime of objective control. In others, the military operates explicitly (Vietnam and Lao PDR) or implicitly (Cambodia) as a tool of the ruling political party. Indonesia is a former military dictatorship that has reformed its armed forces; Myanmar operates what might be called a transitional model.   Thailand has only recently emerged after five years of military rule, and the possibility of a return cannot be ruled out.  

This one-day conference, consisting of panel presentations and a roundtable, will explore the following key questions:

  1. What is the relationship between the military and the identity of the nation, people, or elites?

  2. What is the relationship between the military and political authority? 

  3. How does the military impact structures of legitimacy?

  4. What are the key principles, myths, or events that have helped shape the relationship between the military and the country?  Is that expected to change or remain the same in the future?

Professor Dr. Aurel Croissant (Professor of Political Science at the Institute of Political Science, Ruprecht-Karls-University, Heidelberg) will deliver a keynote address.  

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Sixth International Conference on Lao Studies (ICLS6)
to Jun 15

Sixth International Conference on Lao Studies (ICLS6)

  • Cornell University Ithaca, New York United States of America (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This year's three-day conference has a total of 18 panels, with topics on all aspects of Lao Studies. In addition to panel speakers, we are honored to have an art exhibition, entitled "Between Two Worlds: Through the Eyes of the Lao Artist" by Tiao Nithakhong Somsanith, an artist from the Lao royal court, who will be showcasing his work on stencilling and gold thread embroidery along with a Lao America artist, Chantala Kommanivanh, who will be showcasing a more contemporary piece. In addition, our keynote speakers come from Laos, Mr. Anasay Keodara, a filmmaker, and Ms. Khamly Philvong, an actress from "Sabaidee Luanphrabang," who will be discussing issues of filmmaking in Laos along with Dr. Steve Arounsack, a Lao American professor of Anthropology.

For more information and to register for the event, click here.

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Violence and Policing in the Philippines, Latin America, and the U.S.
to Apr 23

Violence and Policing in the Philippines, Latin America, and the U.S.

  • World Room, Pulitzer Hall, Columbia Journalism School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

President Rodrigo Duterte came to power by promising a bloody war on drugs. Since he assumed office in July 2016, thousands of drug users and dealers have been killed in both police operations and murders by unknown assailants. Nearly all of these victims were poor Filipinos who lived in informal settlements in the country’s largest and most populous cities. The Philippine case is not unique. Echoes of the Philippine experience can be found worldwide.

This conference aims to bring together journalists and scholars who have explored the nexus between urban poverty, policing, and violence. It will explore how violence is woven into the fabric of policing strategies that have focused on the security and safety of the rich and the middle class, and on criminalizing the poor as thieves, drug addicts, and scoundrels. Seen in this light, the war on crime is but the latest expression of a decades-long war against the urban poor.

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Inaugural Southeast Asia Research Group (SEARG) Meeting
to Dec 14

Inaugural Southeast Asia Research Group (SEARG) Meeting

  • School of Public Policy and Management, Fulbright University Vietnam (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This first SEAREG meeting in Southeast Asia will broaden our geographic reach and enable scholars based in the region to become more actively involved in the network. This first-of-its-kind conference is generously supported by the Henry Luce Foundation.

Click here to register now on the SEAREG website. Information about hotels, local transportation, and the meeting agenda will be posted as it becomes available.

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Thailand Update 2017

Thailand Update 2017

  • Columbia University - Faculty House Garden Room 1 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In recent months, public life in Thailand has been overshadowed by the momentous October 13, 2016 passing of long-reigning King Bhumibol, and the December 1 accession of the King Vajiralongkorn to the throne. Although a popular referendum approved the 2016 draft constitution last August, that constitution has yet to pass into law, and no date has been set for the next general election. As the ruling military junta completes its third year in power, freedom of expression remains severely constrained, and Thailand faces a range of economic and social challenges. During this third Columbia Thailand Update event, eight speakers will present their research and views on the latest developments and prospects, at a crucial juncture in the country’s history.

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Critical Perspectives on US-Southeast Asia Relations
to Apr 21

Critical Perspectives on US-Southeast Asia Relations

  • Columbia University - International Affairs Building, Room 918 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This two-day workshop will bring together scholars doing critical studies of bilateral relations between the United States, its western and regional allies, and a range of countries in Southeast Asia, both during the late Cold War era and since.

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