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Hot Stuff: An Exposure of Indonesia's Geothermal Dreams
Join NYSEAN, SUNY/CUNY SEAC, and GETSEA for a screening of Hot Stuff: Exposure of Indonesia's Geothermal Dreams, an AIFIS award-winning documentary and part of a trio of Indonesian films that delve into energy policies in Indonesia, corporate ties to those policies, and their detrimental effects on local environments and populations. Director Dandhy Laksono and Producer Cypri Dale will join us live from the University of Michigan’s Center for Southeast Asia Studies as over 20 universities from across North America connect to watch Hot Stuff simultaneously, followed by a discussion about the film, energy policy in Indonesia, and the new Prabowo Subianto administration’s response to local grassroots movements in the country.

Promoting Community-Centric Economy in Southeast Asia
Join the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at UH-Manoa for a discussion on sustainable, community-centric tourism in Southeast Asia. Dr. Huong T. Bui, Professor at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, will discuss governance and tourism development in Vietnam. Boboi Costas, Founder of Grassroots Travel and Former Tourism Officer of Cebu Provincial Government, will discuss lessons from a community-based ecotourism project in Cebu, Philippines.

Microplastics in the Saigon-Dongnai Rivers and Potential Impacts on Aquatic Organisms
Join the Center for Southeast Asian Studies and the Department of Environment, Sustainability, and Energy at Northern Illinois University for a talk by Bao-Son Trinh, Senior Lecturer and Head of the Environmental Toxicology Laboratory at Vietnam National University, who will discuss microplastics in the Saigon-Dongnai Rivers and their potential impacts on aquatic organisms.

Indonesia’s Industrial Policy: Downstreaming and the EV Supply Chain
Join the Indonesia Project at Australian National University for a talk by Hilman Palaon, Research Fellow at the Lowy Institute’s Indo-Pacific Development Centre, and Robert Walker, economist and Research Associate at the Lowy Institute. They will discuss Indonesia’s recent industrial policy successes in downstreaming critical minerals and EV manufacturing, while also addressing the environmental and social challenges, and exploring strategies for broader economic development and sustainability.

Urban Ecologies on the Edge: Making Manila's Resource Frontier
Join the Southeast Asia Program at Cornell University for a talk by Dr. Kristian Saguin, Associate Professor of Geography at the University of the Philippines Diliman, who will discuss urbanization and resource flows in Metro Manila.

Buffalo State University's 14th Annual Southeast Asia Week
Join the Global Studies Institute at Buffalo State University for their 14th annual Southeast Asia Week. This year’s theme, “Society & Sustainability: Southeast Asia & Global Insights,” highlights critical issues shaping the region, with special focus on the dynamic interactions between civil society, democracy, political climate, and cultural experience.

Environmental Innovation and Sustainability in Southeast Asia
Join the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at University of Hawaii - Mānoa for a webinar featuring Dr. M. Alif Sahide, Professor of Forestry at Universitas Hasanuddin; Dr. Yingshan Lau, Research Fellow at National University of Singapore; and Enrique Nunez, Senior Advisor of Biodiversity at the International Land Coalition. This webinar will highlight pioneering initiatives that are transforming how Southeast Asian nations address issues of climate change, biodiversity loss, and resource scarcity.

Envisioning a Low-Carbon Future: Sarawak’s Journey towards Sustainable Development
Join the Malaysia Studies Programme at ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute for a public lecture by Abang Johari Tun Openg, the Premier of Sarawak, who will discuss Sarawak’s innovations in balancing rapid economic growth with environmental responsibility.

When the Rice Cries: Javanese Folklore for Children, Language, and the Earth
Join the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Northern Illinois University for a talk by Muzakki Bashori, Southeast Asia Fellow at NIU and Lecturer in the Department of Social and Political Sciences at Semarang State University, who will explore the significance of Javanese folklore in language preservation and its relationship to environmental themes.

Ecologically Unequal Exchange from Indonesia and New Zealand: Examining China’s Benefits from the Intertwined Palm Oil and Dairy Sectors
Join the Council on Southeast Asia Studies at Yale University for a talk by Paul K. Gellert, Visiting Research Scholar at CUNY Graduate Center and Professor of Sociology at the University of Tennessee, who will discuss the ecologically unequal exchange of palm oil and dairy products in Indonesia and New Zealand.

Southeast Asia on fire: Why do We Have the World’s Most Polluted Air?
Hosted by the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Thailand, a panel of experts will look at why this year’s haze has been even worse than previously, the insatiable demand for meat that is driving forest encroachment and maize production, the spread into neighbouring countries of outdated Thai agricultural practices, and the poverty trap most agricultural families and migrant labourers exist in.

Mekong Water Data Hour: How Dams Impact the Mekong Delta
Hosted by the Stimson Center, Doan Van Binh, Vietnamese-German University, and Courtney Weatherby, Southeast Asia Deputy Director of The Stimson Center, will discuss how floods, droughts, sediment disruptions, and morphology provide insights into the impact of dams on the Vietnamese Mekong Delta.

Slow Seminar: Political Geomorphology
Hosted by SEACoast, Andrew Mathews, University of California Santa Cruz, will lead a seminar exploring the long-term processes that reshape coastlines across Southeast Asia, from colonial port building in the 19th century, to the destruction of mangrove forests in the modern day.

Chasing Giants: Saving the World’s Largest Fish
Hosted by the Stimson Center, Zeb Hogan, Host of National Geographic’s Monster Fish, Stefan Lovgren, an award-winning journalist and filmmaker, Mary Melnyk, USAID Asia Bureau, and Michele Thieme, Deputy Director of Freshwater at the World Wildlife Fund, will discuss monster fish in Southeast Asia and why their conservation matters for freshwater ecosystems.

12th Annual Southeast Asia Week
Hosted at Buffalo State University, State University of New York (SUNY), the 12th Annual Southeast Asia Week will encompass the following events: Cambodia’s Chairmanship of ASEAN; the Middle East and Southeast Asia; America’s Role in East Asia; Food Securities of Countries in Southeast Asia, and Sustainability: For What and Whom?

Indonesia’s New Capital City: Opportunities and Challenges
Organized by USINDO and the Stimson Center Southeast Asia Forum, Bambang Susantono, Chairman of the Nusantara National Capital Authority, Kathleen Bartram, International Development Group, and Deden Rukmana, Alabama A&M University, will discuss Indonesia’s plan to build a new capital city.

Water as Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Hosted by The Forum at Columbia University, a short film and program from the Dutch Government’s Water as Leverage in Asia will tackle urban water-related challenges in the cities of Chennai (India), Khulna (Bangladesh), and Semarang (Indonesia).

Mekong-US Partnership Track 1.5 Policy Dialogue on Nature-based Solutions Report Launch
Hosted by the Stimson Center, Robert Godec, U.S. Ambassador to Thailand, Rithiny Teng, Wildlife Conservation Society Cambodia, Sinsamout Ounboundisane, Fishbio, and Vu Dung, Keep Vietnam Clean, will share takeaways and policy recommendations from the Mekong-U.S. Partnership 5th Policy Dialogue.

Cities and Climate Challenges in Southeast Asia
Hosted by ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute, Peter Andreas Gotsch, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Alejandro N. Ciencia, University of the Philippines Baguio, Nila Kamil, Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Michiyo Kakegawa, Soka University, and Sharon Seah, ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, will discuss climate risks and vulnerabilities in Southeast Asian cities.

Plantation Liberalism: Personhood and Property between Philippine Mindanao and the Black Atlantic
Hosted by the Cornell University Southeast Asia Program, Alyssa Paredes, University of Michigan, will discuss how American planters of the early 20th century drew on racial ideologies to project limited personhood onto Mindanawon natives.

Damming Rivers in Cambodia: Impacts of Water-Grabbing on Land and Resource Access
Sopheak Chhan, Royal University of Phnom Penh, will consider how the impacts of hydropower dams across the Mekong River have intensified long-term land and resource struggles in Cambodia. This event is sponsored by the UHM Center for Southeast Asian Studies and the East-West Center.

Plantation Life: Corporate Occupation in Indonesia's Oil Palm Zone
Hosted by University of Washington, Tania Murray Li and Pujo Semedi will examine the structure and governance of Indonesia's contemporary oil palm plantations in Indonesia, which supply 50 percent of the world's palm oil.

Smallholder Definitions, Presents & Futures: Agriculture & Aquaculture
Hosted by the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at University of Hawaii, Nurhady Sirimorok, Hasanuddin University, Somvilay Chanthalounnavong, National University of Laos, and Sango Mohanty, Australian National University, will discuss the ways smallholders are preparing to navigate the future of farming in Southeast Asia.

Real Farmers, Dream Cities: Agrarian Change, Demonstration, and the Politics of Visibility in Myanmar
Hosted by the Council on Southeast Asia Studies at Yale University, Courtney T. Wittekind, Yale University, will discuss the political and pragmatic tactics of future-making amid authoritarian resurgence, rapid urbanization, and the pressures of a changing climate in Myanmar.

Land as Experiment, Landscapes as Laboratories: Destruction and Repair in Indonesia’s Peatlands
Hosted by the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies at Cornell University, Jenny Goldstein, Cornell University, will argue that Indonesia’s peatlands are experiments with land at a scale that states, scientists, and the planet’s inhabitants are just beginning to grapple with in a warming world.

Deltas in Motion: Unpacking the Politics of Translation at the Heart of Climate Change Adaptation in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Hosted by the Council on Southeast Asia Studies at Yale University, Jacob Weger, Seton Hall University, will discuss the strategic translations through which different actors in Vietnam and the Netherlands contribute to shaping climate adaptation and social-ecological change in the delta.

Discussing Development: Forests and Fields
Dr. Carl Grundy-Warr, National University of Singapore, Dr. Walker DePuy, Cornell University, Armand Camhol, Chengchi University, and Ek Sovanna, Kratie Representative of the Prey Lang Community Network in Cambodia, will discuss the role of local communities in the development paradigm. This event is hosted by the University of Hawaii Center for Southeast Asia Studies.

Challenges Facing Agricultural Trade between the Mekong countries and China: Value Chain Analyses focusing on Non-Tariff Measures
Hosted by ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute, Jayant Menon, ISEAS Senior Fellow, Pham Minh Thai, Centre for Analysis and Forecasting in Vietnam, and Punpreecha Bhuthong, International Economics and Development Policy Program in Thailand, will discuss the findings from the recent ISEAS publication Agricultural Trade between China and the Greater Mekong Subregion Countries: A Value Chain Analysis.

Taking up the Challenge: Banning Landmines Globally and in Myanmar
Marion Loddo, Representative of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, Dr. Yeshua Moser-Puangsuwan, Research Coordinator at Landmine Monitor, Michelle Yesudas, Advocacy Advisor at Humanity & Inclusion, and Tom Andrews, Special Rapporteur, will discuss struggles to implement the United Nations Mine Ban Treaty in Myanmar. This event is hosted by the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand.

Linking Renewable Energy and River Conservation: Delivering on Vietnam’s Climate Commitments
Hosted by the Stimson Center, Nguyen Linh Dan, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Nguyen Mai Phuong, The Asia Group, Courtney Weatherby, The Stimson Center, and Jake Brunner, Head for the Indo-Burma Group, will discuss how Vietnam can implement its climate energy commitments.

Downstream Impacts of Dams on the Seasonally Inundated Riverine Forests of the Mekong River in Northeastern Cambodia
Dr. Ian G. Baird, University of Wisconsin-Madison, will discuss how upstream hydropower dams in China and Laos are destroying the Ramsar wetland in Cambodia. This event is hosted by the Center for Khmer Studies and will be moderated by NYSEAN Executive Committee member, Eve Zucker.

Understanding Political & Economic Drivers of Climate Policies in Indonesia
Hosted by the University of Maryland, Professor Budy Resosudarmo, Australian National University, will discuss the context of climate policies in Indonesia, challenges to achieving their climate goals, and opportunities for developing Indonesia-US work on sustainability research and implementation.