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Remembering Saigon: Journeys Through and From Guam
Join UC Irvine Libraries’ Orange County and Southeast Asian Archives Center for a half-day exhibit symposium. Professor Nam C. Kim will share how his family’s refugee journey from Vietnam through Guam informs his current anthropological research on Operation New Life. Arielle Taitano Lowe will share a poem about her CHamoru grandfather’s experiences during the Vietnam War. Jana K. Lipman and Trần Hoài Bắc will discuss the Vietnamese repatriate memoir they translated, Ship of Fate by Trần Đình Trụ.

Global Battlefields: Memoir of a Legendary Public Intellectual from the Global South
Join NYSEAN and Sulo: The Philippine Studies Initiative at NYU for the book launch of Global Battlefields, a memoir by Walden Bello. Bello, a Filipino activist and intellectual, holds a PhD in sociology from Princeton. He was an anti-Vietnam War activist, a pro-democracy activist against the Marcos dictatorship, a member of Congress, a Vice-Presidential candidate, and a university professor.

State Building in Cold War Asia: Comrades and Competitors on the Sino-Vietnamese Border
Join the Sigur Center for Asian Studies at George Washington University for a talk by Dr. Quingfei Yin, Assistant Professor of International History at the London School of Economics, who will discuss how China and Vietnam collaborate and compete along their shared border.

Mother, Border, Other: Third World Internationalism and the Politics of Motherhood in Indonesia and China
Join NYSEAN for a talk by Taomo Zhou, Associate Professor of Chinese Studies at the National University of Singapore, on the life and legacy of Francisca Casparina Fanggidaej (1925–2013)—a left-wing Indonesian activist in the Afro-Asian movements, a mother of seven, and a woman who endured decades of forced separation from her family. Through Fanggidaej’s story, Taomo explores how Indonesia and China shaped notions of motherhood and how a transnational figure like Fanggidaej navigated her role within revolutionary anticolonialism in Indonesia, state socialism in China, and the global shift toward capitalist neoliberalism—ultimately displacing the Third World internationalist vision both nations once championed. The discussion will be moderated by Rianne Subijanto, Assistant Professor of Communication Studies at Baruch College, CUNY.

History, Anthropology, and Southeast Asia
Join the Center for Southeast Asian Studies and the Department of Anthropology at University of Wisconsin-Madison for a talk by Eric C. Thompson, who will discuss the conceptual underpinnings of his recent book The Story of Southeast Asia (NUS Press, 2024).

“Barbarians,” Bronzes, and the Legendary Capital of Ancient Vietnam
Join the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Northern Illinois University for a talk by Nam Kim, Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at University of Wisconsin-Madison, exploring the archaeological record of Vietnam as well as the region's national imagination, cultural heritage, and descendant identities.

Across the Archives: Hán-Nôm Heritage in the Era of Digital Humanities
Join the Southeast Asia Digital Library and the Southeast Asia Program at Cornell University for a webinar featuring Trâm Phương Nguyễn (Columbia University) and Thành Hà Thị Tuệ (Vietnam National University), who will provide an overview of Yale’s Maurice Durand papers as well as current work with the Digitizing Việt Nam project.

Worlding Ethno-burbs: 50 Years of Southeast Asian American (dis)placemaking
Join the Southeast Asia Program and the Mario Einaudi Center For International Studies at Cornell University for a talk by Ivan V. Small, who will discuss Vietnamese American migration and community formation across regions of the United States.

Cambodia’s Trials: Contrasting Visions of Truth, Transitional Justice and National Recovery
The Center for Khmer Studies (CKS) and NYSEAN invite you to a panel discussion on the book Cambodia’s Trials: Contrasting Visions of Truth, Transitional Justice and National Recovery (University of Chicago Press, 2024), which examines Cambodia’s journey of justice and recovery more than 40 years after the Khmer Rouge genocide. The panel features the book’s editors and contributors: Robin Biddulph, Alexandra Kent, Courtney Work, Pádraig McAuliffe, and Eve Zucker, CKS President and NYSEAN Executive Board Member, who will also serve as the session’s moderator.

Heading Into Bangkok: Transnational Dialectics of Queerness and Race in Cold War Thailand
Join the Southeast Asia Program and the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies at Cornell University for a talk by Benjamin Tausig, Associate Professor of Critical Music Studies at SUNY-Stony Brook University, who will discuss racial and gender identity shifts in Thailand during the 1960s.

Bodies that (Un)Bind: The Production of Tomboy and Transgender Knowledge in Thailand
Join the Southeast Asia Program and the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies at Cornell University for a talk by Emi Donald, a PhD candidate in the History Department. Their talk will explore how the words “tomboy” (thom in Thai) and “transman” came to constitute two distinct but bounded modes of embodiment in contemporary Thailand.

Subjects and Sojourners: A New History of Indochinese in France
Join the UCLA Center for Southeast Asian Studies for a book talk by Charles Keith, Associate Professor of History at Michigan State University, whose research explores how French colonial rule in Indochina extended Indochina’s colonial society into France.

When the Rice Cries: Javanese Folklore for Children, Language, and the Earth
Join the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Northern Illinois University for a talk by Muzakki Bashori, Southeast Asia Fellow at NIU and Lecturer in the Department of Social and Political Sciences at Semarang State University, who will explore the significance of Javanese folklore in language preservation and its relationship to environmental themes.

Tales from the Periphery: Regionalism and Nationalism in Contemporary Thailand
Join the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Northern Illinois University for a talk by Joel Selway, Associate Professor of Political Science at Brigham Young University, who will discuss recent waves of regionalism and nationalism in Thailand.

Social Welfare, Ethical Citizenship, and Gendered Civil Society: A Historical Ethnography of Social Work in Southern Vietnam
Join the Council on Southeast Asia Studies at Yale University for a talk by Ann Marie Leshkowich, Professor of Anthropology at the College of the Holy Cross. She will discuss how both the government and social workers in Vietnam have emphasized the scientific nature of the field of social work to distinguish it from charitable volunteering.

Strangers in the Family: Gender, Patriliny, and the Chinese in Colonial Indonesia
Join NYSEAN and the CUNY / SUNY Southeast Asia Consortium for a book talk by Guo-Quan Seng, Assistant Professor of History National University of Singapore, who will discuss the gendered history of the Chinese settler community in Indonesia.

The Abundance of Pinayism: Radical Epistemologies of Self-Love, Shapeshifting, and Solidarity
Celebrate Filipino American History Month by joining NYSEAN and Sulo: The Philippine Studies Initiative at NYU for a talk with Professor Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales, Professor of Asian American Studies at San Francisco State University. In this interactive presentation, Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales will share the epistemological journey of Pinayism, and will share how Pinays have expanded the scope of Pinayism in the worlds of art, activism, and academia.

Book Talk - Insurgent Communities: How Protests Create a Filipino Diaspora
Join NYSEAN and Sulo: The Philippine Studies Initiative at NYU for a book talk by Sharon M. Quinsaat, Associate Professor of Sociology at Grinnell College and author of Insurgent Communities: How Protests Create a Filipino Diaspora (University of Chicago Press, 2024). John Gershman, NYSEAN co-founder, will moderate the discussion.

Enzo Camacho and Ami Lien’s Offerings for Escalante Exhibition at MoMA PS1
Join MoMA PS1 for the first major US museum exhibition for artist duo Enzo Camacho and Ami Lien. Offerings for Escalante focuses on the Philippine island of Negros, known for its sugar plantations, to commemorate the 1985 Escalante Massacre, a tragic incident of state violence against a mass protest in Negros under the Ferdinand Marcos dictatorship.

Filipina Suffragists of the 20th Century: Confronting Race, Gender, and Empire in the Fight for Voting Rights
Join Sulo: The Philippine Studies Initiative at NYU for a lecture by Rose Cuison-Villazor, Asian/Pacific/American Institute at NYU Visiting Scholar and Professor of Law and Chancellor’s Social Justice Scholar, Rutgers Law School. This lecture will explore the significant yet overlooked contributions of Filipina Americans to the suffrage movements in both the United States and the Philippines during the early 20th century. By uncovering their stories, this lecture will discuss how their advocacy intersected with broader national and global efforts to dismantle the racial, gendered, and imperial barriers to women’s voting rights. A conversation between Professor Rose Cuison-Villazor, Professor Adrian De Leon, Danika Fernandez, and Professor Rhacel Parreñas follows the lecture.

Mapping Memories: the Mass Graves from the 1965 Indonesian Genocide
Join NYSEAN for a talk by Bedjo Untung, human rights activist and chairman for Yayasan Penelitian Korban Pembunuhan 1965. This talk will discuss the importance of mapping in preserving memories and the continued efforts of survivors to bring truth to light and justice to the victims of the 1965 Indonesian Genocide. Margaret Scott, NYSEAN co-founder, will moderate the discussion.

Here Lies Love in Critical Contexts: A Public Syllabus
Sulo: The Philippine Studies Initiative @NYU invites you to the launch of “Here Lies Love in Critical Contexts,” a public syllabus by Nerve V. Macaspac, Queens College, and Lara Saguisag, New York University. The syllabus compiles resources that contextualize and complicate the musical Here Lies Love, which premiered on Broadway in July 2023.

History of Medicine in Southeast Asia Conference
Hosted at Nanyang Technological University, the History of Medicine in Southeast Asia Conference will feature panel discussions on Chinese medicine in Southeast Asia, regional medicinal traditions, health challenges in Southeast Asia, and more.

Nation-Building by the Border Patrol Police in Thailand
Hosted by the LSE Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre, Sinae Hyun, Sogang University Seoul, and Qingfei Yin, LSE, will discuss the Cold War context for creating the Border Patrol Police (BPP) of Thailand and the BPP’s evolution to support a royalist Thai nation.

Stalled Reforms? Institutional, Legal, and Political Changes in Indonesia After 25 Years
Hosted by ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute, Yanuar Nugroho, Driyarkara School of Philosophy Jakarta, Indriaswati Dyah Saptaningrum, Atma Jaya Catholic University, and Muhammad Fajar, Atma Jaya Catholic University, will discuss the current state of Indonesian government institutions, legal systems, and social movements.

The Evolution of Arts in Cambodia
Hosted by Asia Society, Phloeun Prim, Executive Director of Cambodian Living Arts and New York City-based Cambodian poet Sokunthary Svay will join Elena Park, Joe Melillo, and Karen Brooks Hopkins to reflect on how Cambodia’s the cultural landscape has been transformed in the years following the fall of the Khmer Rouge regime.

Ghost Mountain: The Second Killing Fields of Cambodia
The Roosevelt House Human Rights Program will screen the film Ghost Mountain, which tells the story of a Cambodian refugee who made his way to Connecticut in 1980 after surviving the Killing Fields. This event is sponsored by Network 20/20, the Hunter College Asian American Studies Program and the History Department.

LSE Southeast Asia Forum
Hosted by the LSE Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Center, the annual LSE Southeast Asia Forum will bring together leading Southeast Asia experts to engage with some of the region's most critical and pressing issues.

Memory Tracks: A Lao Family's Story Through Music
On this special edition of Bodega Pop with Gary Sullivan on WFMU, Rattana Bounsouaysana will share her family’s journey from Laos to the United States through their memories of Southeast Asian and English language popular music.

Politics, Leadership, and the Nation Question: How a Book Put the Nail in the Coffin of Dictatorship
Hosted by the Council on Southeast Asia Studies at Yale University, Max Lane, Senior Visiting Fellow from the ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute, will discuss the origin and progression of Indonesia’s democratic national consciousness.

Stories of Marriage Migrant Women’s Cyclical Movements Between Vietnam and South Korea
Hosted by Weatherhead East Asian Institute and sponsored by NYSEAN, Hayeon Lee, Columbia University, will discuss her three years of ethnographic field work studying Vietnamese migrant women marriages in South Korea.