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Hot Stuff: An Exposure of Indonesia's Geothermal Dreams
Join NYSEAN, SUNY/CUNY SEAC, and GETSEA for a screening of Hot Stuff: Exposure of Indonesia's Geothermal Dreams, an AIFIS award-winning documentary and part of a trio of Indonesian films that delve into energy policies in Indonesia, corporate ties to those policies, and their detrimental effects on local environments and populations. Director Dandhy Laksono and Producer Cypri Dale will join us live from the University of Michigan’s Center for Southeast Asia Studies as over 20 universities from across North America connect to watch Hot Stuff simultaneously, followed by a discussion about the film, energy policy in Indonesia, and the new Prabowo Subianto administration’s response to local grassroots movements in the country.

Indonesia’s Industrial Policy: Downstreaming and the EV Supply Chain
Join the Indonesia Project at Australian National University for a talk by Hilman Palaon, Research Fellow at the Lowy Institute’s Indo-Pacific Development Centre, and Robert Walker, economist and Research Associate at the Lowy Institute. They will discuss Indonesia’s recent industrial policy successes in downstreaming critical minerals and EV manufacturing, while also addressing the environmental and social challenges, and exploring strategies for broader economic development and sustainability.

Buffalo State University's 14th Annual Southeast Asia Week
Join the Global Studies Institute at Buffalo State University for their 14th annual Southeast Asia Week. This year’s theme, “Society & Sustainability: Southeast Asia & Global Insights,” highlights critical issues shaping the region, with special focus on the dynamic interactions between civil society, democracy, political climate, and cultural experience.

Mother, Border, Other: Third World Internationalism and the Politics of Motherhood in Indonesia and China
Join NYSEAN for a talk by Taomo Zhou, Associate Professor of Chinese Studies at the National University of Singapore, on the life and legacy of Francisca Casparina Fanggidaej (1925–2013)—a left-wing Indonesian activist in the Afro-Asian movements, a mother of seven, and a woman who endured decades of forced separation from her family. Through Fanggidaej’s story, Taomo explores how Indonesia and China shaped notions of motherhood and how a transnational figure like Fanggidaej navigated her role within revolutionary anticolonialism in Indonesia, state socialism in China, and the global shift toward capitalist neoliberalism—ultimately displacing the Third World internationalist vision both nations once championed. The discussion will be moderated by Rianne Subijanto, Assistant Professor of Communication Studies at Baruch College, CUNY.

That’s What (Economic) Friends Are For: Working with Indo-Pacific Partners to Enhance Supply Chain Resilience
Join the Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI) for a panel discussion featuring Iman Pambagyo, former Chief Trade Negotiator for Indonesia; Jayant Menon, Senior Fellow at ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute; Yasuyuki Todo, Professor of Economics at Waseda University; Wendy Cutler, ASPI Vice President. These experts from the Indo-Pacific and the U.S. will explore the impact of U.S. friendshoring policy, discussing its challenges, lessons learned, and how it can be enhanced to strengthen supply chains and boost economic prosperity.

Salafi on the Periphery: The Growth of Salafi Movement and its Influence on the Lives of Young Women in Bima, West Nusa Tenggara
Join the Crawford School of Public Policy at Australian National University for a talk by Rani Dwi Putri, M.Phil student in the Department of Anthropology, who will discuss the experience of young women within the Salafi community in Bima, Indonesia.

Social Media and Politics in Southeast Asia
Join NYSEAN for a book talk by Merlyna Lim, Canada Research Chair in Digital Media and Global Network Society, Professor of Communication and Media Studies, and Director of the ALiGN Media Lab at Carleton University. Social Media and Politics in Southeast Asia (Cambridge University Press, 2025) highlights the dual role of social media in both fostering grassroots activism and enabling autocratic practices of algorithmic politics, notably in electoral politics.

Elites and Civil Society in Indonesia: Is the Political Terrain Changing?
Join the Indonesia Studies Programme at ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute for a talk by Maxwell Lane, Visiting Senior Fellow, who will examine the stagnation and challenges in Indonesia under the Prabowo government, focusing on the persistent under-industrialization of the economy, the dominance of New Order-era political and cultural structures, and the struggles of civil society and emerging political alternatives to drive meaningful reform.

Indonesia and BRICS: A conversation with Lili Yan Ing and Krisna Gupta
Join the Indonesia Project at the Australian National University for a talk by Lili Yan Ing and Krisna Gupta, who will discuss the economics of Indonesia joining BRICS, an intergovernmental organization formed by Brazil, Russia, India, and China.

Roundtable on Islam and National Identity: From the Perspectives of Contemporary Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore
Join the Regional and Cultural Studies Programme at ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute for a seminar featuring Andar Nubowo, Muhammad Faiz bin Fadzil, and Mohamed Imran Mohamed Taib. The panel will be about Islam and the construction of modern national identity in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore.

Celebrating the Scholarship and Activism of Dédé Oetomo
Join NYSEAN and NYU’s Masters Program in International Affairs for a conversation with Dédé Oetomo, a campaigner for LGBT rights in Indonesia and a scholar on gender issues, and Gina Chua, a Singaporean journalist who is the Executive Editor of Semafor and one of the most senior transgender journalists in the U.S.

When the Rice Cries: Javanese Folklore for Children, Language, and the Earth
Join the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Northern Illinois University for a talk by Muzakki Bashori, Southeast Asia Fellow at NIU and Lecturer in the Department of Social and Political Sciences at Semarang State University, who will explore the significance of Javanese folklore in language preservation and its relationship to environmental themes.

Walking the Tightrope: Balancing Language, Politics and Culture in Chinese Diasporic Identities in Southeast Asia
Join the Sigur Center for Asian Studies at the George Washington University for a conference on the Chinese Diaspora in Southeast Asia. This event brings together papers from scholars of maritime Southeast Asia who document and analyze the diverse but often precarious practices of everyday management of linguistic and cultural identities of diasporic Chinese in the Southeast Asian region.

Ecologically Unequal Exchange from Indonesia and New Zealand: Examining China’s Benefits from the Intertwined Palm Oil and Dairy Sectors
Join the Council on Southeast Asia Studies at Yale University for a talk by Paul K. Gellert, Visiting Research Scholar at CUNY Graduate Center and Professor of Sociology at the University of Tennessee, who will discuss the ecologically unequal exchange of palm oil and dairy products in Indonesia and New Zealand.

Cornell Gamelan Ensemble with Wakidi Dwidjomartono
Join Master Javanese gamelan musician Wakidi Dwidjomartono, the Cornell Gamelan Ensemble, and the Gamelan in Indonesian History and Cultures course for a program of traditional Javanese gendhing.

The Future of Media Freedom in Indonesia
Join the Indonesia Institute at the Australian National University for a panel discussing media freedom in commemoration of International Human Rights Day. Adisti Sukma Sawitri, Ika Ningtyas, and Revolusi ‘Revo’ Riza Zulverdi will discuss the challenges of reporting during Indonesia's democratic decline, and the shifting nature of professional journalism in an era of social media influencers, disinformation, and AI.

Social Critique in Javanese Wayang: Semar’s Utopia as Portrayed by Ki Anom Soeroto, Ki Mujoko Joko Raharjo and Ki Purbo Asmoro
Join the Southeast Asia Program and the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies at Cornell University for a talk by Dr. Kathryn “Kitsie” Emerson from EKALAYA Arts Center, who will discuss the social critique in Javanese wayang and how the role of the dhalang as a revered advisor works in current-day wayang performance practice.

Classed Natures: Workshop in the environmental humanities and Southeast Asia Studies
Join the Council on Southeast Asia Studies at Yale University for a workshop on environmental humanities and Southeast Asia Studies. The workshop will feature research that analyzes the entanglements of class and human relationships with the natural environment in tropical, insular Southeast Asia.

Strangers in the Family: Gender, Patriliny, and the Chinese in Colonial Indonesia
Join NYSEAN and the CUNY / SUNY Southeast Asia Consortium for a book talk by Guo-Quan Seng, Assistant Professor of History National University of Singapore, who will discuss the gendered history of the Chinese settler community in Indonesia.

Mapping Memories: the Mass Graves from the 1965 Indonesian Genocide
Join NYSEAN for a talk by Bedjo Untung, human rights activist and chairman for Yayasan Penelitian Korban Pembunuhan 1965. This talk will discuss the importance of mapping in preserving memories and the continued efforts of survivors to bring truth to light and justice to the victims of the 1965 Indonesian Genocide. Margaret Scott, NYSEAN co-founder, will moderate the discussion.

Elections and Political Change in Southeast Asia Conference
Join NYSEAN for a discussion of recent elections and political change in Southeast Asia with Sheila Coronel, Amy Freedman, John Gershman, Allen Hicken, Sidney Jones, J.M. Lanuza, Kanokrat Lertchoosakul, Ann Marie Murphy, Nava Nuraniyah, Jonathan Corpus Ong, Margaret Scott, and Meredith Weiss.

Indonesia's 2024 Presidential Elections: A Change in Direction or More of the Same?
Who will succeed Joko Widodo, Indonesia's President, when he leaves office after ten years, and what will be their approach to the economy and the role of foreign companies? Hosted by the American Indonesian Chamber of Commerce, a panel of experts will examine national polling organizations, family and party dynamics, the role of "kingmakers", parties vs "success teams", and the role of religion.

Stalled Reforms? Institutional, Legal, and Political Changes in Indonesia After 25 Years
Hosted by ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute, Yanuar Nugroho, Driyarkara School of Philosophy Jakarta, Indriaswati Dyah Saptaningrum, Atma Jaya Catholic University, and Muhammad Fajar, Atma Jaya Catholic University, will discuss the current state of Indonesian government institutions, legal systems, and social movements.

Southeast Asia Amid Global Challenges: A Discussion with Dr. Mari Pangestu
Hosted by the CSIS Southeast Asia Program, Mari Pangestu, former Indonesian Minister of Trade, will provide her perspective on economic headwinds facing the region, including the climate crisis and food and energy security.

From Private Equity to Public Interest: A Conversation with Tom Lembong on Financing Development in Indonesia
Sponsored by the Harvard University Asia Center and the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, Tom Lembong, Indonesia’s Trade and Investment Minister, will discuss Indonesia’s growing importance in the global economy.

Centrality of the Indo-Pacific to Indonesia's Foreign Policy
Sponsored by the Weatherhead East Asian Institute and NYSEAN, Yayan Ganda Hayat Mulyana, a Career Diplomat at the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and NYSEAN co-founder Ann Marie Murphy will discuss the Indo-Pacific and Indonesia's foreign policy.

Singing the Underworld: Peni Candra Rini, Samita Sinha, and Qian Yi
Hosted by the Asia Society, Samita Sinha, Qian Yi, and Peni Candra Rini, will perform songs conveying their different interpretations of life and love, joy and sadness, and death and danger, including inspiration from Javanese myth.

Politics, Leadership, and the Nation Question: How a Book Put the Nail in the Coffin of Dictatorship
Hosted by the Council on Southeast Asia Studies at Yale University, Max Lane, Senior Visiting Fellow from the ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute, will discuss the origin and progression of Indonesia’s democratic national consciousness.

Indonesia Out of Exile
Hosted at The People’s Forum, Max Lane will discuss his new book Indonesia Out of Exile: How Pramoedya’s Buru Quartet Killed a Dictatorship, which follows the life of Pramoedya Ananta Toer in and out of prison during Indonesian national awakening.

Indonesia’s New Capital City: Opportunities and Challenges
Organized by USINDO and the Stimson Center Southeast Asia Forum, Bambang Susantono, Chairman of the Nusantara National Capital Authority, Kathleen Bartram, International Development Group, and Deden Rukmana, Alabama A&M University, will discuss Indonesia’s plan to build a new capital city.

Water as Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Hosted by The Forum at Columbia University, a short film and program from the Dutch Government’s Water as Leverage in Asia will tackle urban water-related challenges in the cities of Chennai (India), Khulna (Bangladesh), and Semarang (Indonesia).